Twin Cities Reclaiming (Ethel Me')
Let me tell you about a fantastic class that I have been participating in for the last eight or so months. The class (or path) that I have been participating in is facilitated by a man that I have had the benefit of knowing for a few years, we both have attended the Midwest Men's Festival.I first found out about the group through an email that Donald sent to me containing lots of information. Some of this information is copied below.
Ethel Mé – Twin Cities Reclaiming Community Offerings
Ethel Mé, the priestessing program begun in 2005, by Donald Engstrom/Reese, Paul Eaves and Teri Parsley Starnes has changed form for 2006 - 2007. The words Ethel Mé could be translated from Nordic runes (Ethel) and Sumerian language (Mé) as Clan Magic. It is this magic of the clan that we invoke for our work this year.
We will gather monthly to experience, explore and deepen our clan magic. As last year, we will meet one Saturday a month. Different from last year, there will be three paths offered in the mornings from 9:00 am to noon. [See path descriptions below.] These paths require a year’s commitment from its members... Our meeting dates will be the third Saturday of the month. We ask for a donation for each meeting.
Note: the first gathering will be on Saturday, September 16. In the afternoon, we will have the Fall Twin Cities Reclaiming meeting while we celebrate the season with a harvest feast. We invite those who claim to be Reclaiming witches and those who do not. At this feast, we will talk about how we want to move forward as a community, gathering ideas about our afternoon sessions and any other community concerns.
Elements of Magic Intensive
anchored by Donald Engstrom/Reese
One of the projects Ethel Me’ will present this coming season is a year-long intensive focused on the Elements of Magic. This program will encompass the basics taught in many standard Reclaiming Witchcraft 101 classes. However,we will explore these basics and other topics to a depth not normally allowed for in a shorter Reclaiming introductory session. In this Elements intensive we will look at, among other things, ritual design, daily practice, spell working, trance journeying, the labyrinth, Pagan prayer beads, gender work, the seven sacred voices, and many assorted elemental gifts of the multiverse.
Together we will dare to live awake, aware and with conscious intent. Together we will dare to delve deep within and without, nurturing our relationships with the Mysterious Ones, ancestors and spirits of the Upper Mississippi Valley. Together we will dare to dwell in Beauty, Balance and Delight.
This class will be anchored by Donald L. Engstrom/Reese, who each month will be joined by local and visiting guest teachers.
Participants are expected to commit to attending at least ten of the twelve Elements sessions.
Today we met for our eighth session, and it was again, a wonderful experience. I have been an atheistic mystic for a very long time, called myself a radical faerie for several years, and more recently I have begun to embrace the term "witch." I am learning old and new traditions, and I am tapping into mystery in a new way and with renewed intention.
Labels: community, coven, druid, Ethel Me, faggot god, magic, mystery, nature, witchcraft
JB aka JayBee created this post at 8:54 PM.
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