Wednesday, March 01, 2006

March is the new November

In November I participated in the National Write a Novel Month and I had the goal of writing 50,000 words in a single month. I fell short of that goal an in the end wrote about 41,000 words, but for me it was still a success on many levels. Today is March first and I am pledging to myself to have the same motivation that I found in myself in November to write. Not being the most goal oriented person in the world, I am going to write up my daily totals here, and I will leave a paragraph or two here that I have written that day as well.

At 12:30 AM I am ready to write. I have the Aimee Mann playing in the background, and a freshly made pot of green tea in my thermos. On to the adventure. Wish me luck.

JB aka JayBee created this post at 12:25 AM.

Name: JB aka JayBee

Home: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

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