Labyrinths and Runes
Roughly nine months have passed and I have had few long nights of the soul since my return to Minneapolis, Minnesota, so this space has been less important to me recently. I have been tending my inner garden and also been keeping up with my dharma: working full time, contributing time and energy to my family and my community, and generally doing my best to dwell in beauty balance and delight.
My use of this space is not over. I want to transform this place, which had been about communicating my personal sense of isolation while living in Philadelphia, into a space for exploring spiritual pursuits. In the past I have called myself an atheistic mystic, and I hold onto this description while I also develop tools for exploring the mystery of the unknown. Two sets of tools that I have recently begun working with include
Labyrinths and
Labyrinths have been found across time and cultures, and from my basic and short time studying them, I find that they are almost universal and cross cultural shapes. The idea of a winding and possibly confusing path is analogous to the experiences of a human life. There is a single beginning (birth) and a single destination (death) but the loops and turns can be confusing and difficult. Labyrinths are beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. Following the path of a labyrinth, also known as "Ariadne's thread," can calm one's mind and the journey to the center of a labyrinth can be an exercise in centering oneself.

Runes are symbols, or sigils, that used to be used to write Germanic languages. Rune markings have been found on stones and valuable personal items dating from the pre-Christian middle ages in Europe. Runes can also be used for divination purposes, in some ways similar to tarot cards. Each rune represents an object or concept such as cattle, ice, or a birch tree. Each rune also represents a stanza from an old Norse poem. It is interesting and rewarding to try to glean some meaning from the rune or runes drawn. The nature of this sort of divination makes concrete answers difficult, but can yeild insight into a question or issue.
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