Dream journaling at 4:00 AM

I was dreaming a few minutes ago: dreaming of symbols, dreaming about runes.
The dream began on this coming Monday, which I know is the Jewish holiday of Passover. The setting of the dream is the indoor soccer facility that I have been playing in for the past several months. So the dream takes place in the future, on Passover in a sport hall. As the dream begins, I am walking to the soccer field and I encounter Demetri, a Russian man that I play soccer with. He asks me a question, and I suggest that he pull a rune. He pulls a rune and I see it in my head, though I am not certain any longer what rune it was. I encounter other members of my team on the way to the field, and each of them pulls a rune. The sigil of each pull burns in my vision, and leaves an imprint in my visual field within the dream. I see the runes that have been pulled in formations. I know that they have something to tell me, and I know it is related to this time and place. I also am aware that this is a dream, as I look at the runes burnt into the oak coins which seem to hang in the air around me.
My mind becomes sensitive to the fact that Norse spirituality is sometimes corrupted by white supremacists who use it as a tool to further their dangerous and terribly misguided perspective in a "spiritual" realm. I become aware that the confluence of these Norse Runes and Passover are an unorthodox but not a conflicting pairing in my dream.
At this time I try to read each of the runes, to glean the meaning from this primitively powerful alphabet and to bring the runic poem into my mind. There are twelve runes pulled and in my visual field, and although I can see each of them in the dream, I realize that I cannot bring all of them with me from the dream. I know I see the Rune of Gyfu which means "gift" and Eihwaz which means "yew." As I said there were twelve runes pulled and I wish I could remember the order and the names of the rest of them. I am not sure if Naudiz which means "need" was pulled or if I just associated this with Gyfu which looks somewhat similar.
I had the sense during the dream that something drastic was on the verge of happening. I felt that something significant was immanent, and I was not sure if this thing would be violence, like an explosion going off outside the soccer facility, or something all together different.
It became apparent to my dreaming mind that I would remain in this restless dream unless I got up and wrote about it. I am fulfilling that charge now so that I may go back to bed and sleep soundly. It is 4:42 AM now, so I am returning to bed. I look forward to spending some of the evening of Passover in the sport hall. I will bring my runes with me when I pack my shin guards and shoes.
Labels: dream, Passover, runes, soccer
JB aka JayBee created this post at 5:03 AM.
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