Late night CD ripping
A friend of mine loaned me about 20 music CD's to rip to my digital collection. I am listening to a variety of groovy independent music and classics. Since I have vowed not to support the corporate music RIAA because of their Gestapo tactic lawsuits against World + Dog for file sharing, the new music is a boon for me. I am enjoying the tunes as I write. Delaware's "Jet's To Brazil" is playing at the moment. I am encoding the songs to mp3 format at 256 kbps variable bit rate (VBR).
I am taking a break from ShadowBane, an online fantasy game for nerds where I play a huntress with a crossbow...
Life is going well in the day to day sense and I am looking forward to big changes soon.
Time passes

Rather than focus on my absence from this space lately, I want to mention how good it felt to go running today. While I am not enamored with the 2 miles of biking through Philadelphia traffic that is necessary to get to Fairmont park from my home, my run through the park along the Schuylkill River was enjoyable and my body is grateful for the exercise. I am getting skinny and working my muscles a bit is the only way to stem this trend. When I got home after biking back through demonic traffic, I felt good and I told myself that today is the first day of the rest of my life. Now I feel pressure to run again tomorrow.
It appears that I may be relocating back to Minneapolis. It will be a very welcome chance to the attitudes and wind-strewn garbage that litter the streets of South Philadelphia. A man once told me that I would hate Philadelphia and I was doing myself a disservice by moving here. I did not believe him at the time, but his awareness proved correct. I look forward to saying goodbye to the city and I leave behind only a few friends, and they too mostly do not like this place. Perhaps I will see them in living in Minneapolis some day.