Not pretty in Internet Explorer
I really enjoy the way this layout looks when I look at in Firefox, so I was disgusted to see how poorly it renders in Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE). It looks so poor because IE does not fully support cascading style sheets (css) and renders the page without most of it's graphic contents.Here is a screen capture showing how this website looks in Firefox.

Compare that with how bad the screen looks IE.

I added a script, so now when IE users enter, they will see this warning.

I don't know if this is in any way interesting, but I just thought I would share.
Happy New Year to you wherever you may be, Chicago or Washington DC or Minnesota or Kansas or the Netherlands or somewhere else. Best wishes to you and may 2006 be a wonderful year that makes 2005 pale in comparison.
JB aka JayBee created this post at 6:22 PM.