Sometimes I go to sleep at day break
...and sometimes I wake up in the morning to the sounds of sparrows and diesel delivery trucks. Those are the mornings when I have torn myself away from the pulsing electronic matrix that haunts me by night. Wrapped up in a sheet and the scent of my lover, there is a strange moment, a quality I cannot describe in the dawn of a new day. Rather than being exhausted, today I spring out of bed and put a pot of hot water on the stove. I spoon coffee grounds into the coffee maker and when the water boils I remove it from the blue flame of the stove top and pour it over the coarsely ground black roasted coffee. The water always makes a hissing sound as it envelops the coffee in her hot embrace, wringing the essence from the coffee, like a lover pulling her partner to climax.Mundane or sacred, it is all in how you choose to see it.
JB aka JayBee created this post at 7:56 AM.
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