All is quiet except
The rumble of trucks at the bakery down the street loading palates of fresh bread is my auditory companion as I write tonight. It is twenty minutes to three in the morning and the South Philly is warm and humid. There is a gentile breeze blowing in from the west as the rumbling trucks grow silent.Small things keep me occupied and I feel isolated or perhaps distracted from any pressing concerns. My belly is full and my body is clean while the people around me sleep, I read and I write.
I was fortunate today to speak to my father and my sister. They are both strong people who work hard.
Three blocks away there are people from New Orleans living in a school. I don't know how many, or how long they will reside in our neighborhood. I wish them well but I have not gone there to visit or volunteer.
The wind continues to blow as it always has and always will. I know that hundreds of miles away the Mississippi River continues to flow the way she

JB aka JayBee created this post at 2:38 AM.
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