Thursday, September 22, 2005

Time spent elsewhere

I am spending most of my online energy at my other web log which you can get to by clicking my photo and following the link to Both of Us. Somehow writing where I know that at a minimum my lover will read what I write has it's draw. This area is mine, mine alone where I don't talk about politics or fun and games, but about my dark nights of the soul and alienation and such.

Junk email at this time of night continues dropping into the junk folder of my mail box, but still I hear a notification sound. It is the night's way of telling me that indeed, time is passing in cyberspace.

I have a piece in the works about my feelings regarding my unemployment and such, but you will just have to wait for that. Wait and wait and wait.

JB aka JayBee created this post at 3:47 AM.

Name: JB aka JayBee

Home: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Current Moon

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